.NET project
Ministry of Finance



XML Web Services

Digital Signature


Desktop Application

Implemented in C# using WSDL web services to submit customs declarations.

Web Services

Communication API implemented with XML Web Services.

Digital Signature

Using card reader and RSA to digitaly sign XML and verify the response.


Requested by European Union

Certified by the Customs Office


RSA, Digital Signature

Solution is developed for the Republic of Serbia, Ministry of Finanace, Customs Administration as request from the EU to speed up transit of goods Europe.

Forwarders are using the app to prepare electronic form, sign and encrypt before sending to the Customs server. If the request is validated, Customs would release the unique code and release the goods for the Forwarder.

Forwarder must use USB card reader with digital signature to communicate with the Customs.

Back end was implemented in Clarion, to store and create forms. Communication with the server was done in C# using xml web services (wsdl).